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1st biannual meeting of the KAIROS project

AI Methods, the KAIROS project coordinator, met with the project team in Istanbul in the last week of February for the KAIROS 1st biannual meeting. Held at İGA İstanbul Airport, this meeting was a crucial moment for collaboration and knowledge sharing between stakeholders.

On 27 February, AI Methods CEO Aniel Jardines moderated the first session, giving a comprehensive review of KAIROS research progress and laying a solid foundation for future efforts. In the following session next day, attendees had the opportunity to get a first-hand look at weather forecasts in the airside of the IGA control tower, followed by a visit to the Airport Operations Control Centre, where they experienced the real-time operations management.

The SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking provided valuable support for this meeting to take place, and İGA İstanbul Airport demonstrated exceptional organisational skills as a host partner. This milestone generated positive energy in the team for the KAIROS project to continue driving research to shape the future of aviation through pioneering AI methodologies.


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