Six months ago, AI METHODS embarked on an exciting journey as one of the winners of the inaugural ENAIRE Open Innovation program. This month, on April 17, the acceleration program reached its culmination with the Demo Day event at ENAIRE's facilities.
Throughout the program, AI METHODS had the opportunity of closely collaborating with Spain's national air navigation service provider, ENAIRE, and CRIDA, its R&I subsidiary to understand the real needs on managing the prediction of thunderstorms.
In the video below the demo developed as a result of the project is presented. Additionally, some of the main stakeholders involved in the program share their first-hand insights, shedding light on the significant impact that the solution developed by AI METHODS could have on revolutionizing how aviation addresses adverse weather conditions.
The ENAIRE Open Innovation program has served as an excellent mentor in driving AI METHODS forward, thanks to the strong support of ENAIRE, CRIDA A.I.E., and Peninsula - Corporate Innovation throughout the six-month duration of the program. Their commitment to fostering innovation and pushing boundaries has been instrumental in maximizing the potential of AI METHODS and identifying specific needs in the aviation industry to envision the startup's future.