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AI METHODS makes it to the finals in Tahko Ski Lift Pitch

In the heart of Finland, among the snow-capped peaks of Tahko, an unconventional event mixing adrenaline and entrepreneurship took place from April 3-4. It was the Tahko Ski Lift Pitch, where start-ups braved the heights to pitch their ideas to potential investors.

Among them was AI METHODS, represented by Aniel Jardines, who stepped out of his comfort zone to pitch the company on a ski lift. This presentation led AI METHODS to qualify as finalists of the competition. Although it did not get the first place, the startup had the opportunity to stand out and make its mark as a pioneering company in the technology landscape.

The experience was completed with a visit to the University of Eastern Finland at Kuopio, where Marko Pietilä led a tour of the facilities, labs and innovative projects. It also included a brief visit to the Business Center Pohjois-Savo, where Matti Laitinen explained their role in helping companies.

AI METHODS extends its most sincere thanks to David Hernández Cela, from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, for his invaluable mentorship: his guidance has been instrumental in navigating the complexities of the startup ecosystem. Our gratitude also goes to the YUFE Alliance for the opportunity and for being a catalyst for collaboration and growth.


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